Meyer Brothers Drug Company
Meyers Brothers Drug Company was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1852. The Saint Louis operation was established in 1865. By the early part of the Twentieth Century it was the largest distributor of drugs and pharmaceutical products in the country, and was a major exporter of these commodities to other Western Hemisphere countries as well.
Their green provisional stamps were printed on at least three different papers, though this does not necessarily mean that they were printed three times. It is possible that different paper was used to make it easier to distinguish between the different denominations. The 1/8 cent copy above is on white paper, the 5/8 and 11 1/4 cent copies are on buff, and the 1 1/4 cent copy is on rough manila paper. A 5 cent copy in green is known to exist, and is probably on white paper.
Meyer Brothers was acquired and merged with the Fox-Vliet Drug Company in 1981 to form FoxMeyer, which is still in operation.
The Meyer provisional stamps printed in black were discovered in a file in the company's headquarters in the early part of the Twentiety Century. W.A. Sisson, a friend of Charles Nast, persuaded the company to allow him to go through their records in hopes that some remainders were still present, even though the company did not think any were there.
When the battleship revenues were delivered Meyer Brothers used them. There are examples with the company name listed in the Joyce reference, and Imperial Crown Perfume was one of their brands.
A Meyer Brothers receipt with a Type B imprinted revenue used when Meyer Brothers had been in Saint Louis for about five years.
Here is a link to two other receipts issued by Meyer Brothers in the Civil War tax period.
A Meyer Brothers cancel on a third issue proprietary stamp. This would have been used on a product, not a document.
A Meyer Brothers cover promoting the Saint Louis World's Fair, which was originally scheduled for 1903. It was addressed to Johnson and Johnson, a medicine company that had its own private die proprietary stamps.
The joker from a deck of playing cards issued for Meyer brothers, also in 1901. The other cards have various Saint Louis scenes on them, as it was too early for them to have had any pictures of actual World's Fair buildings.
A cover from 1910.
A 1926 letter on Meyer Brothers stationery. It has an underprint representing the Mississippi River connecting their Saint Louis and New Orleans locations.