Antikamnia Chemical Company
The Antikamnia Chemical Company was one of those Saint Louis firms who produced provisional proprietary stamps. Two denominated versions are known. Henry Holcombe wrote, "It is said 500 of the 1/8 cent variety were used, very likely on samples, and 9,000 of the 2 1/2 cent stickers on boxes selling for $1 each." He also conjectures that the ones without denomination may be proofs, and say that they are on white paper.
The no value stamps clearly say they are for free samples, and these were not taxable if certain wording was used in the labels. Antikamnia told Charles Nast in 1903 that the 1/8 cent stamps were used to make up the 2 1/2 cent rate with odd denominations they received in a "job lot" of battleships. Also, the no value stamps are on yellow paper, not white. It is quite likely that Holcombe never saw any of these stamps.
An auction lot was described as "Antikamnia 2 1/2 cents black on yellowish," but there was no trace of this item when the buyer's collections were later sold piecemeal. Hermann Ivester, who has a complete collection of these provisionals, thinks that it may have been on toned paper, as Antikamnia told Nast that the 1/8 cent stamps were printed on yellow paper to distinguish them from the 2 1/2 cent ones printed on white.
The no value stamp.
The Antikamnia private die stamp was not produced until 1900, and would not have been needed after June 30, 1901.
In the interim Antikamnia used general issue revenues.
An early Antikamnia advertisement.