Herrick's Pills & Plasters
also see Herrick's Pills

The Herrick "Plasters" stamp was the first private die stamp printed by Butler & Carpenter. It was first issued November 18, 1862. The last delivery was on May 17, 1883, so it was produced for virtually the entire Civil War Tax period.

8,326,694 of the stamps were printed on old paper, 1,768,300 on silk paper and 1,822,949 on pink and watermarked papers. The copy shown is on silk paper.

A Herrick almanac from 1867.

This advertisement dates from the time that Herrick still owned the company and operated it from Albany, New York.

Herrick conducted business from Albany until 1868 or 1869, when it appears that he was bought out by L.W. Warner and Company and operations were moved to New York City. William Henry Hall, of Hall & Ruckel, became connected with the business around 1874. The firm was dissolved at the end of the Nineteenth Century, but the interests of Hall & Ruckel were continued through a new corporation formed in 1898. In 1907 the business was moved to Saint Louis.

A Pills & Plasters stamp used on a Kid Strengthening Plaster after the firm had been moved to New York City. Note the reference to a Canadian branch of Perry Davis & Son toward lower right.

The recipe of the plaster involved eight troyounces of galbanum, three troyounces of subcarbonate of iron, one troyounce of turpentine, three troyounces of Burgundy pitch, and thirty-six troyounces of plaster of lead.
